July 5, 2011 Black Purebred Colt- (Kuhailan Artex-Good Knight Irene by Bask Knight) |
Ben Jamin- July 5, 2011, another homerun for Kuhailan Artex! Full brother to last year's Pistallo
FW, and with all that extra chrome and SIZE he is going to be another stunner! You can bet we are going for a repeat next
year! This colt was sold in utero- Congrats to Morena and Grayson! Crossing my fingers for a filly next year!

Psymitar- Purebred Arabian Colt- March 27, 2011 |
Psymitar FW- Purebred Black? Black-Bay/Seal Brown colt sired by Kuhailan Artex and out of Psonata (Magnum
Spatz- Mohini Faline). Truly beautiful colt, thought he was black when he was born but now we aren't so sure. Guess time will
tell, but black or not he is GORGEOUS, tall and very typey just like his siblings. Really looking forward to watching him
grow. SOLD

Jinx- February 15, 2011 |
Jinx- February 15, 2011- Sired by a purebred Clydesdale out of the half Arab/Appaloosa mare Tasheena. Jinx
was a bit of an unexpected surprise but a welcome one to his owner Jamie Parson. Big, well put together and an absolute
sweetheart Jinx is quickly becoming a farm favorite. And I think it is safe to say he is NOT for sale!

Born July 17, 2011 (Kuhailan Artex-Fairwinds Little Sister) |
Foxwillow's Terra Moon- Born July 17, 2011 this stunning Half Arab filly will be my replacement
riding horse. I had hoped for a colt (geldings are just so much easier!) but I can't complain this little girl is exactly
what I wanted. She has the best of both breeds- beauty, incredible disposition and is she ever SMART! She appears to be soft
gaited as well (crossing my fingers as her dam is a dream ride!). Can't wait till she grows up! NOT FOR SALE.

April 4, 2011- Morab Filly by Kuhailan Artex out of Moonwillow FW |
Foxwillow Feather- April 4, 2011. Sired by Kuhailan Artex out of the lovely Morgan
mare Moonwillow FW, this filly is eligible to be registered as both a Half Arab and as a Morab. She is an absolute sweetheart
and the farm favorite. She is almost a clone of her dam- just with Arabian type! Available for purchase at weaning.

Psynderella- March 3, 2011 |
Psynderella- March 3, 2011- Sired by Kuhailan Artex out of Psavannah FW, Ella is our long awaited first 31/32 palomino
Arabian. She is everything I hoped for and more. This filly will be a valuable asset to our dilute Arabian breeding program
and it will be a true joy watching her mature. And no, she is NOT for sale either.

Khyanne FW- 2011 chestnut purebred filly (Kuhailan Artex-TOF Khedance by Khemosabi) |
Khyanne FW- March 14, 2011- Sired by Kuhailan Artex out of TOF Khedance. This gorgeous girl has an incredible
personality that really sets her apart. Right from her first breath she has been curious, friendly and adventurous. She is
going to keep her mama very busy! We are really pleased with the quality of foals we are getting from her sire...tall, great
conformation and lots of type! This little girl is truly one to watch.