2006 Colts
2006 Purebred Arabian Chestnut Sabino Colt |

(Magnum Spatz-Miss Mendeza by Ebonys Mendeza) |
FW Mashaana- April 23, 2006- Sired by Magnum Spatz and out of Miss Mendeza by Ebony's Mendeza. This colt is our first
Sabino foal and by by far the most lookalike son of Magnum Spatz- hence his barn name "Junior"! He has a wrap around blaze
with a patch of color at the lips giving him a "smiling " look, he has white under the chin, white spot on his cheek and his
stoclkings reach his kness/hocks or higher. Hard to tell about belly spots at this time. This colt carries some of the finest
Polish, Russian, Egyptian and Spanish bloodlines including Magnum Psyche, Opus One, Aladdinn, Julep, Hallany Mistanny, Padron,
Sambor, Bask with a tail female going back to the fabulous Amfibia- definitley a dam of distinction. Junior is a HUGE colt,
correct with plenty of type and with the added bonus of color he is sure to make a statement wherever he goes. For
Sale $1800.00 Cash or $2500.00 Terms **SOLD**
2006 Purebred Liver Chestnut Arabian colt |

(Magnum Spatz- Polasingul by Gallup) |
Poznan VHF- April 23, 2006- Sired by Magnum Spatz and out of Polasingul, Pure Polish daughter of Gallup. He is a wonderful
liver chestnut in color but may grey out though at this point we can't find a single white hair on him. He has lots of chrome
with Sabino indicators in his "spiky" leg markings. "Pozzy" is tall with a long hingy neck, pretty head and and a super
sweet disposition. Maternal sister, Johara VHF, is already a halter winner (see our News page for photos) and being conditioned
for Sport Horse as well. Pozzy will truly be a star in his own right, whatever his future holds. For
Sale see Sale Page 1, Reasonable offers considered.
2006 Purebred Chestnut Arabian colt |

(Magnum Spatz- Goodknight Irene by Bask Knight) |
Psovereign VHF- April 19, 2006 Sired by Magnum Spatz and out of Goodknight Irene by Bask Knight. My first thought when this
colt was born was how much he resembled Padron- and as he is unfolding he looks more and more like his legendary ancestor.
We are more than pleased with this beautiful, typey and correct colt- stop back often to "watch" him grow!
2006 Purebred Arabian Chestnut Colt |

(Magnum Spatz-IWT Ladyhawke) |
Pskychaser VHF- April 13, 2006- Sired by Magnum Spatz and out of the lovely Aladdinn granddaughter, IWT Ladyhawke.
This colt is HUGE with long legs, looks like he will have some size! It's too bad he is one of those horses that is just NOT
photogenic, he's so much prettier in person. Looks very much like Papa with the same pretty head, long neck and regal bearing. He
has Sabino markings as the underside of his jaw is white up to his throatlatch! Waiting for him to shed so we can look at
his belly too! In addition, this colt has a blaze, lower lip white and two hind stockings for just the right amount
of flash. His dam has always passed on her big bold trot and this time was no exception so Chase will definitley be a canidate
for English Pleasure. This colt will be tall, typey and and should definitley make a splash in the showring. For
Sale see Sale Page 1, Reasonable offers considered.
2006 Miniature palomino colt |

(Violet Hills Fidgety Trigger- Violet Hills Angel) |
Violet Hills Sparks of Gold- April 12, 2006- Sired by Violet Hills Fidgety Trigger and out of Violet Hills Angel
(see Mini Page). We're all in love with this cute little ball of fluff! He looks like he might have his daddy's Araby head
and refinement, we're looking forward to watching him grow up- check back often as we update his photos. For
Sale at $550.00.