2008 Bay 63/64ths Arabian Colt |

(Psymokyn-Chimosa VHF by Elaan) |
This 98% Arabian colt is the first for a lot of things- first foal of Psymokyn, first foal of Chimosa, first grandson
of Elaan, first great-grandbaby for the Golden Rocket. He also happens to be the first third generation baby born here.
His pedigree contains many of our foundation horses- most can be found on this website. His birth was a bit of an accident resultingfrom
a determined young mare's desire to become a mother sooner than she should have and a young stallion happy to oblige.
Thankfully all went well and mother and son are doing very well. This young man is drop dead GORGEOUS! He could pass for a
purebred any day of the week. Cute as he is he is offered for sale at the low market dictated price of *****$600.00.! We would also consider a free lease situation for a 4H'er or Arabian Youth program participant
who would like to do a "Raise a Foal Project" Certain requirements must be met- this is NOT a Free Horse*****